Thursday, February 14, 2013

don't hate valentine's day.

What a waste of time and energy. I’m serious.

I decided to write today to intervene on anyone out there who may be a V-Day hater.


Let’s discuss a couple of the big reasons people claim to hate Valentines Day. See right now I could go and do some research and all of that crap but honestly, I’ve been researching stuff for various briefs all day and I am in absolutely no mood. So I’m just going to rely on my own past experience for this and if anyone disagrees or tries to cite facts…….like, I’m not into that. Anyone that does that I liken to the people who comment on online articles just to start fights/be a douchebag/feel good about themselves. A different breed of people I would never want to interact with.

So let’s begin: one thing I always hear people say is that “Valentine’s Day was made up by Hallmark to sell stuff!!!!”

The people that say this seem so GENUINELY outraged about this ‘fact.’ Well, I tried to research this but when I got to Snopes and there were like…500 different threads on it I decided ain’t nobody got time for that so…I’m not sure. BUT I’m just gonna go out there and say:

First off, if anyone made anything up to sell stuff it was amazing advertising people like ME!!!!! Advertising agencies, creatives, etc. And if someone made up Valentines Day to sell cards well they did a DAMN GOOD JOB and I wish I had thought of it first. I feel as if my field of work is sometimes so shrouded in mystery to civilians, as I call all of you not in advertising as if I am like a 4 star general or something, but brands that do cool stuff did it because an ad agency did a lot of thinking and creating for them. Just saying.

Also: if you decide to hate brands that invent things to sell stuff I am about to drop a serious bomb on you.

Grilled cheese was invented by the advertising agency JWT. (Where I will be interning next, in New York City. I need an Apartment from April to mid-June can anyone holla at me???????????) Long story short and again I’m not gonna fully do my research but they had the Kraft account and to sell more cheese they invented it and okay invented is a strong word but they got it out there into the world and I don’t know google it!!

Anyways, the point I am making is if you hate things ‘created’ by companies to sell stuff then you hate grilled cheese and that z-ing freaks me out and I wonder how we tolerate eachother? And you also hate me…because doing that is pretty much my job, and in that case FINE! Be miserable on Valentine’s Day! I don’t care!!!!!!!!!!

*Oh and Wikipidea has a whole history of Valentines day with all these facts and shiz so I mean, I would just send someone that link if someone tried to pull the Hallmark card on me. (HAHAHAHA how good was that???????? You know it was.)

Next up are the single people. And this is just the worst. I get it, being single sucks. You think I’m shouting from the rooftops how much I love it? Also as I write that I gotta admit being single doesn’t necessarily suck. It all depends on where you are in life, what you want, what you’re doing, etc etc like I actually can’t get into that right now because that is a WHOLLLEEEE OTHER THING.

So I’ll speak like this: If you’re single on Valentine’s day…that’s just that, and WHATEVER? It’s supposed to be a day of love and your love doesn’t HAVE to be romantic love. If it is then that is GREAT and you should do whatever the z you want on Valentine’s Day. And single people: don’t go around ruining it for everyone. It’s not a good look.

And last: to the people that say it should be like any other day because you should always be showing the people you love that you love them. I agree. I really do, but life gets in the way. I SHOULD floss every day, but do I? (I put that in question form because I know my dentist reads this. Hi Darlene. Hi Jane. So I’m not going to actually answer that question….)

Anyways, the sad truth is that sometimes we get so busy and stressed and crazy that we DON’T take time to say “Hey, I really care about you,” and if Valentine’s day can be a reminder to do that…then I don’t see what the problem is?

But to the people who do manage to be like that every single day: call me.

But, anyways, Valentine’s day haters: Don’t you think we have enough regular days? Regular days of routine that mush into one long period of time that can pass before you know it without making any cool new memories? Isn’t it nice to have something out of the routine?

Also. I don’t know about you but I don’t have enough energy to hate anything else because most things that I hate I hate very passionately. Like slow walkers and strangers who stand too close to me are pretty much using up all of my hate.

And if you use it as a day to feel bad for yourself then I feel bad for you. Also, I’m sure you have plenty of Valentines: friends, family, coworkers that you tolerate. But for some reason you’re choosing to ignore them, and that’s just mean!

You’re really mean.

But I’m not mean. At least I’m not anymore since my internet black out taught me that Karma is real and I can’t afford another experience like that. (P.S MY INTERNET IS BACK!!!! YESSSSS. This may directly have to do with my change of heart.)

Here. I wore my red flannel for you today. I look great in red.

SO, on that note, to anyone that needs a Valentine: I’ll be yours. Let’s decide that wherever we are in the world tonight we will drink a glass (bottle) of wine and eat a lot of chocolate and laugh a lot and do whatever we want and CELEBRATE Valentines Day.

It’s a lot more fun than hating things. I promise.

xo, your valentine, tay

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