Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I got electrocuted and a fuse was blown.

Not at the same time…but wouldn’t that be dramatic??????

But seriously I almost regret making this blog because I genuinely feel like life is GIVING me things to talk about now. Life challenges that I don’t feel like dealing with such as...

Clogs. (of gross stuff not gross wooden shoes.)
Fuse boxes. (sorry, what?)

So. Converters/Adapters. Confusing stuff.

Still don’t really get the whole thing and honestly I don’t feel like googling it. I mostly just ask Katie (our resident Europe expert since she was in Hamburg last quarter) the same question 700 times. She really is a saint for putting up with me.

 I have a universal adapter I think? Which means I can plug my computer in and all that junk.

But a converter? I guess converts the power to a lower something something science I don’t know.

But I guess it’s important.

Dani’s adapter is weird and I was trying to plug it in and in retrospect I was essentially sticking my fingers in the socket. Like, probably the first thing you EVER LEARN in life: don’t do that.

Anyways next thing I know I’M ELECTROCUTED. Yeah I’m using that word for hyperbole basically, but I got seriously zapped. Like numbed my two fingers, my hand, and all the way up my arm until my reaction time decided to kick in and I jumped up.

Needless to say I talked about it for the next like 5 hours blaming/crediting everything to it.

Am I a superhero now? What if this makes me a bad copywriter? What if this makes me a good copywriter? What if this makes me a bitch(ier person)???????????

Only time will tell, but thank god I survived AMIRITE?

Moving along.

First day of our internship. We had to be in at 15:00. Lol military time. Aka 3pm. Btw I have no desire to learn military time and am taking a stubborn stand against it. Too much math.

So the interns have decided to meet up for lunch beforehand, and with this crazy lack of communication…aka we can only speak to each other when on wifi (thank god for imessage,) we have a meeting time and it’s strict.

Dani needs to dry her hair. Sticks the hairdryer into my adapter. Not converter. Do you get it now? I still don’t. She presses the button and

EPIC SPARK. Lights go out.

By the way it has been consistently dark here. Sun has come out TWICE. It’s still beautiful but like……shits dark.

So now here we are staring at each other in the dark. Shit.

By the way our apartment is a 17th century little place. It’s old. It’s an old house that makes a lot of old creaky noises and the stairs go STRAIGHT UP and, yah, I don’t know where the fuse box is.

Sweet google image pic. That's our door right there next to the Hempshopper. yep.

So I open a few weird cupboards and there are a lot of little pipes that look like they are probably water related. NOT touching those. Honestly wouldn't have known what to do if I found the fuse box anyways.

So now we have to put our make up on…in the dark. And I knew I was either going to be showing up to my internship as one of the following.

1. Insane Clown Posse.

2. A geisha.

 3. Tan mom.

But we have to deal with it. We’re out the door.

Frantically emailed my landlord again, this time I refrained from generalizing all of Europe with slang.

Long story short: the fuse box is in our downstairs neighbor’s kitchen. So, yah, we screwed her over too.

We prayed that when we got home that night it would be on. It was all we could do. Poor, helpless us.

AND IT WAS. That was close. I need to write the neighbor a thank you note. Remind me.

But, yah, I’m still surviving, except the fact that WE HAVE A MOUSE VISITOR.

That’ll be next.

Missing everyone (the bachelor) in the states.

jk I watched the bachelor.

More to come.

xo tay

1 comment:

  1. Having way too much fun keeping up with your Dutch life. P.s.. I'm thinking all of the bachelor contestants this season also blew their fuse boxes because they all look like option 3.
