Monday, January 7, 2013

I’m missing the bachelor tonight.

LIKE. I AM MISSING THE BACHELOR TONIGHT. Stop reminding me!!!! But, I live in Amsterdam right now so I guess you win some you lose some.

Plus thank god I’m beating the system and can get on American sites to see ~my shows~ or else I would die. Wouldn’t even be writing this. Dead.

But I have to wait until tomorrow. Curses.

Alright so let’s get real. Some of you may have seen my FB status about the fact that I happen to have, in my adorable little dutch apartment: (I’ll do a post on this when I feel like taking pictures…not on this day. Follow me on instagram** it’s slowing coming out) A WET ROOM.

So when I got to the apartment I was greeted with this:

Sorry, what? Where is the shower? I see a shower head, one tiny glass pane, and a toilet…right there. What is happening. How my bff Kathleen’s brother Connor put it, “you can poop when you’re showering.”

That’s one way to look at it. ANYWAYS, decide to get my hygiene on after time traveling time zones and immediately, I’m freaking out. The water is rising. It’s overtaking everything. I pull up the trashcan and put it on the toilet along with the mat. It’s filling. What is this. It’s taking over the ENTIRE BATHROOM. It look’s like a wave pool at a creepy water park.

Still showering. I’m freaking out. THERE ARE ACTUAL WAVES NOW! Heading towards the doorway into my room! Is this happening? Will I flood the place?

I end my shower quicker than planned. This can’t be right. Oh by the way, before this I didn’t know it was, technically a ‘wet room.’

So I’m googling. “European shower fills whole room” or something, I don’t remember, but I’m really good at googling. Find out about this ‘wet room’ phenomemon. PEOPLE ARE RAVING ABOUT IT. LOVE IT. I can’t even deal.

I send an email to my landlord. I will own it here:

“As for the shower, I am from the US so I am very unfamiliar with the way the bathroom is set up. After a little research I think it's what you guys over here call a wet room? Haha, I am so out of touch!! But, I took my first shower today and was terrified that the water was going to overflow into the bedroom, as it doesn't drain very quickly. I just thought I would reach out to you for reassurance. Is there a danger of overflow? I rushed through a shower in fear just in case! And after, does it all dry itself? “

What a polite little n00b I am.

In retrospect though why did I refer to the entirety of Europe as 'you guys'???

Anyways, fast forward a few hours I’ve had a few glasses of wine and I am brushing my teeth. I feel brave. I stare at the drain and can’t help but think that: THIS CAN’T BE RIGHT.

So I do it. I manage to pull off the drain top and…


It was so disgusting. Oh my god. OMG. I don’t know how I didn’t PUKE!!!!

You’re all thinking hair. You are. BUT IT WAS SO MUCH WORSE!!!

Hair, yes!!!! But, shampoo? Conditioner? Soap? A DEAD CAT, PERHAPS??? I don’t know. It was a disaster.

But I am brave so I take some toilet paper and I start…dealing with it.

IT SMELLS LIKE HIGH TIDE!! OH MY GOD!!! YES IT DOES! It smells like DEAD HERMIT CRABS and critters of that nature left behind on Craigville beach dead, dying, and ruining my life!!!!!!

So I disposed of it. It is gone. I’m a hero, and the water drains properly now.

And now I'm really tired. I had my first day at the agency today and I gotta go sleeps because today was a trying day. I'll tell you tomorrow.

But, meanwhile, I still don’t like my wet room.

AND I'm still missing the Bachelor tonight.

You win some you lose some.

More to come, I promise.

xo tay

*My instagram name is @taygarrett. I really hope you scrolled to find this star.

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